Tuesday, September 7, 2010


The speed limit was 35 mph. I was going about 3.5 mph. Behind a couple of skateboarders. Who apparently thought they had as much right to the lane of traffic as cars do.

They knew I was behind them yet they continued to ride abreast, slowly, chatting while throwing Skittles® down their gullets. After a few interminable minutes, I popped my car horn. They looked back at me, for about the fifth time, and slowly wheeled over into the oncoming lane of traffic (without any cars in it).

As I drove forward, now unimpeded by their leisurely swaying back and forth atop their fugly decks, one of them yelled at me, “There’s no sidewalk, you know!” Their grasp of the obvious and their ability to verbalize so intelligently, was almost stunning.

To which I replied, “You’re no car, you know!” My own grasp of the obvious equally stunning.

In keeping with their considerate and gentlemanly ways, they both flipped me off.

So the question is: who was right?

A couple of obvious newbs, one regular and one goofy, sessioning the street, with an entitlement attitude?

Or me?

Discuss among yourselves and let me know in the comments.


  1. well, I would say that while they're clearly not "right" because they do not have the "right of way" in roads, regardless of the existence of lack thereof of a sidewalk, it is probably also never "right" to get into a verbal (and gesture-al) dispute w/ a "couple of punks." (That is some big assumption on my part, I confess.) So in the end. 1) one should always be considerate of fellows, whether you are the skateboarder hogging the road or the car .. 2) if someone asks you to get over because you're going 1/10 the speed limit, do so quickly and apologetically .. 3) it is not really worth getting "into it" with kids on a road who are clearly unaware of common human etiquette .. and 4) uh. nope. i'm cashed.

  2. well. clearly the driver is "right." :)

  3. Good points, Juliette. And you're right. One never knows if those "kids" may want to respond with something a little more fatal.

  4. Hi, Anti. As the driver, I suppose I would have to agree that I may have been "right."
