Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I don’t usually go to children’s plays any more. They’re cute and fun when your own children are in them, but otherwise, not so much. At least not so much for me.

But I had to make an exception this time because my nephew was playing in an adaptation of Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

Why a middle school teacher thinks it’s a good thing to produce a Shakespeare play for kids that age is a bit beyond me, but I promised him I would be there. So I was there.

Unfortunately, it lived down to my expectations. The adaptation was horrendous. The direction was lacking. The props were, well actually, the props and costumes weren’t that bad. The singing … yes, there was singing, even though it was not a musical adaptation … was, well, let’s just say it was discordant and leave it at that.

Worst of all, the kids looked like they were not having any fun doing it.

There was one bright spot in it.

Act three, scene one. The kid playing Prince Hamlet begins his adapted soliloquy:

“TV or not TV. That’s my question.”

He was supposed to use the original words, but whether he adapted the adaptation on purpose or by accident, it was worth the price of admission.

“TV or not TV. That’s my question.”

And as most of my regular readers know, my answer is usually, not TV.

It helps on the quest to live life as commercial-free as possible.

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