Monday, March 29, 2010


To get the full value of joy you must have someone to divide it with. Mark Twain

She was as fascinated by the illusion as I was by her fascination.

I showed her the stone I held in the palm in my hand. Then I closed it. I told her that I thought I could make the stone disappear by blowing on my hand. And so I blew. After about ten seconds, I opened my hand.

The stone was still there.

“It didn’t work, daddy,” she said.

“Hmmm,” I said thoughtfully. “Maybe you have the magic. Wanna try?”

“Yes,” she said, enthusiastically.

I showed her again the stone on my palm. Then I closed my hand into a fist. I told her to concentrate and believe that her breath could make the stone disappear. When she was ready, she blew on my closed fist.

“Do you think it’s gone,” I asked her.

“Yes,” she said rather definitively.

“Why,” I asked.

“Because I thought really hard.”

I opened my hand.

The stone was gone.

Her eyes grew wide as she took a quick breath in.

“It’s gone,” she shouted. “It’s gone. Did I make it go?”

“Well, it didn’t seem to work when I tried it by myself,” I said. “But it’s not there now after we did it together. What do you think?”

“I think we both made it go. Can we do it again?”

We found another stone. I made her try it on her own. She held the stone in her closed fist. Blew on it. Concentrated hard. And opened her hand. The stone was still there.

“It didn’t work, daddy,” she said with disappointment. “You try it.”

I took the stone. Held it in my fist. Blew on it. Concentrated hard and opened my hand. The stone was still there.

“It still didn’t work, daddy.”

“Let’s try it together again, okay?” I asked.

I held the stone in my fist. She blew on it and concentrated hard. When I opened my hand, the stone was gone.

“It’s gone,” she squealed with delight. “We did it together, daddy, and it worked.”

“You’re right. When we did it together, it worked.”

I don’t know if doing that trick with her when she was barely five years old had a lasting effect on our relationship, but I like to think it did.

We've worked together on many things through the years and I often remember her joyful squeal, “We did it together, daddy.”

We did it together.

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